26 October 2011

Macbeth! (This post has little to do with Macbeth actually!)

I'm supposed to be reading Macbeth right now, but quite honestly, I need to wake up! I got too cozy and warm while reading it and now that I got to Act V, I fear I won't finish it tonight! Anyway, I've declared war on my face! Cystic acne sucks and I can't wait to get to the dermatologist on Monday because quite honestly I'm tired of being in pain! From my research, with cystic acne, the only effective route to go is prescription, so I don't have much of a choice! Today was my breaking point: I made an appointment for monday and I went to walgreens and decided to try new facial products because mine just aren't cutting the mustard! I got an awesome cleanser and moisturizer, both by Garnier Fructis, and so far, I'm in love! I also got two packets of those deep cleansing masks. The pictures on them always amused me because they have so much other random crap on their faces besides the actual mask! I washed with the new scrub, did a deep cleansing mask, used noxema toner, did a moisturizing mask from Mark that I already had, applied 10% Benzoyal (sp?) Peroxide acne cream, and finished off with my new moisturizer. My skin feels great right now! I've also decided to go on a makeup fast for at least a week, not including Halloween (I'm being Billy from Hocus Pocus, so I really can't get around the makeup thing for that). I thought I was meticulous before about taking care of my face? Well I've just stepped it up a few notches. Now, I know y'all REALLY want to know way more TMI about my face, but I simply have no more to say about it! LOL, I have to stop wasting time now! Goodnight!

1 comment:

  1. I had really bad acne the same as you and I tried every. single. thing. out. there. Every over-the-counter cleanser/acne killer, and every prescription on the market. The only thing that worked for me was Accutane. It is the harshest stuff out there and you have to be really careful with it, but it works so well. Ask your dermatologist about it!
