21 December 2010

My life

Major: Biology, emphasis in Neuroscience.
Cluster: Exercise and Sports Science, Professional Health
Cluster: Literature

This one's sticking. I have a plan. 2 words: Physician's Assistant. I can do it.

13 December 2010

I'm supposed to be studying for finals...

...but I can't stop thinking about it. Today a friend of mine's husband was deployed to the middle east. I've known about the war for awhile now. But, it's been made so much more personal today that the loved one of someone that I'm friends with is on his way over there right now. I'm really scared. I don't even know him, but I'm scared for him and her and their daughter. I'm scared for what our world is turning into. I support our soldiers that go over there and consider them heroes for giving up so much to fight for our country. But, I honestly don't know what we are doing over there anymore. What is our purpose? At the same time I ask, what would happen if we were to all of a sudden bail out. Would there be more attacks? I read that Stockholm was attacked today. The entire world it seems like is being affected by these people that just hate everyone it seems. It's scary for me. I can't stop thinking about what may happen next. How many more are going to have to die for our country? How long is this going to go on? What will come of it? When will it stop being scary? I realize that this has been going on for 9 years now. That is almost half of my lifetime. For the most part, it's all I have ever known. Who knew that when I met this friend of mine 8 years ago, that her future husband would be going over to the middle east and fighting for us?

05 December 2010

Random thoughts that I want (need?) to get out

I've had an interesting week...well weekend. It was spirit conference this weekend. For those of you who don't know what that is (probably everyone) it's a 2 day period in which council, mentors, and volunteers of the Get Connected program at BYUI meet and prepare for the upcoming Get Connected. Get Connected is a 2-3 long program designed to welcome new students to the school, and it's an amazing program. I have been so spiritually fed this weekend, and frankly my mind is full. Spirit conference didn't start out very well for me, because I had a fever and a headache when I went on Friday (after a day long search for my Tylenol, I had no luck finding it until after my headache and fever were gone, today). So for the first half, I was completely faking it. I was faking being excited and doing my best to help the people out in my mentor group. I have no idea if the people in my group believed it. I was trying, but I was feeling like crap most of the night. The next day, I heard everyone talking about how they left spirit conference on Friday and they felt so spiritually high. When I left spirit conference on Friday, I was 1. Tired beyond belief and 2.Upset (in this case, I mean a combo of angry, frustrated, and sad). The reason for me being tired was mentioned earlier. I was upset because I had this feeling that I was assigned to a certain person for spirit conference and get connected because I was some sort of project or something. It's the way this person interacts with me. It's like they treat me like they are a teacher and I am a student or something. Laying on compliments and encouragements unnaturally thick. I'm not saying that I don't need help or anything, but I don't like feeling like any person is nice to me because they are told to. I would rather someone be nice to me because they want to. This upset me a lot because before tonight, I was under the impression that this person wanted to be my friend and I left that night thinking that they saw me as someone beneath them and was acting like my friend because they were told to. I'm still a little baffled by this, and very disappointed. Nevertheless, after only 5 hours of sleep, I returned to get connected really pumped and ready to go. I had no idea I could be so energetic at 6:30 in the morning, quite honestly. I called up all of my volunteers in my mentor group for their wake up calls by singing "Good Morning" from Singing in the Rain. I was excited for the day to come because I knew from the previous spirit conference that I attended that it was going to be a day of learning and revelation. I was most excited for the spirit challenge. The spirit challenge is an amazing thing. We led the volunteers blindfolded to the lower fields and left them alone, away from each other. Loud music and depressing newscasts were played on one end, while the voices of the prophets were quietly played, while gradually being turned up. The goal of the volunteers (which they weren't told) was to follow the prophet's voice and find the rope and follow it home. Meanwhile, the mentors and council members played angels and devils, either encouraging and guiding in the right direction or discouraging and misleading. The last time I did the spirit challenge, I was a volunteer, and it was scary. It was interesting to see it from the view of a tempter. I went around saying discouraging things to the volunteers and tried to lead them away from the rope ( ex: "You aren't worth it" "It's too hard for you to do" "You won't be forgiven" "I'm your friend come with me"). There were one or two people who actually let me lead them away from the rope and listened to me. One person in my group took a swing at me after I told her "They'll never forgive you". She missed, by the way. I was very happy when the volunteers didn't listen to me. I started tempting a person that I knew, and he kept charging in the direction of the rope, not even paying attention to me. It made me so happy to see such strong people. This also led to something else that was very awesome. One of the goals my partner and I made was to encourage two people who were partners to work more together. I don't remember doing anything specific, but by the end of the day, they were telling me how during the spirit challenge they were helping each other up this large hill, and it really touched me. They stuck together after that. It was amazing.

So I don't know if you caught on, but the spirit challenge is supposed to resemble Lehi's vision. It's amazing the things that I hear that people learned from it. One person in my group (the same one who took a swing at me) made it to the top before most people from our group. By the time I was done tempting and at the top, I found her and she was sobbing profusely. I asked her what was wrong, if she was hurt, and she said that no one else from our group was up here yet. She kept watching the people that hadn't figured it out yet wander around without direction, and it upset her so much. It makes me think of how people in the spirit world must feel. They are home and they have the truth, and meanwhile they are watching so many people wander around and give in to temptation.

This weekend meant a lot to me, and I hope that I had some sort of impact on those that I was supposed to teach. They seemed to like my partner a lot more than me, but I hope that I was still able to help them.

26 November 2010

So much thinking...

I want to do so much right now!!!! I can't decide what it is that I want to do with my life right now. I want to study so much in college. I want to study English, Sociology, Psychology, Biology, Foreign languages, international studies, social work, philosophy, ancient languages, history, anthropology, archaeology, music, I want to know so much!!! I have no idea how to fit this all in. I also want to go into the Air Force, and open an animal shelter one day. I want to travel the world. I want to write a book and have it published. I want to have a family. I have no idea how I can do all of this. If anyone has any ideas on how I can achieve all of this, or has a time turner that I can use, that would be awesome!

25 November 2010


I look forward to coming home whenever I get the chance. Coming home for Thanksgiving happened to be an extra thing for this year, and I was really happy that I didn't have to wait longer to come home to see everyone. I was the most excited to see my dogs. They are the lights of my life and I love them. Coming home to them was almost surreal. I forgot what life had been like with them. I was very excited to see my friends. I've missed everyone in the branch so much. I loved being welcomed back whenever I come home. I don't even get so much as a hello when I walk into my Rexburg ward's sacrament meeting. When I come home, I get hugs and a sense of excitement. As I was preparing to come home, I was thinking about all the things I was excited to come home for. I realized that I was only a little bit excited to see my parents. I couldn't figure out why exactly. I wasn't mad at them, and my mom had been doing a good job of not calling me all the time. They are wonderful to me. I haven't been able to find a job, so they've been helping me with groceries. I couldn't understand why I was dreading seeing them (which is an issue, considering that I live at their house whenever I am home). I finally realized it tonight. They have to argue about everything. In front of me on top of that. They don't care if I hear their petty little screaming matches over things so trivial as a flag (seriously?). I don't like that. I don't like that they blame the dogs for doing things that dogs naturally do (such as barking when they hear a noise, it's their natural protective instinct). I don't like that they yell at each other over who's turn it is to let the dogs out (fyi, if you stopped giving them a dog biscuit every time you let them outside, they would not feel the need to go out as often, thus eliminating about 5 screaming matches a night). Honestly, I know that there are a lot worse things than them screaming at each other, but it almost seems that sometimes they argue in front of me so that I can pick a side for them instead of having them work it out. Almost like they want me to solve everything. This relationship with my parents is difficult. I don't like always being the problem solver. I don't like being caught in the middle. I just wish they would work on resolving their problems and communicate instead of having petty screaming matches. This has been happening for as long as I can remember and I'm sick of it. I'm sick of hearing it when I come home, and I'm sick of hearing them complain to me about the other one. It makes me not want to come home. Yet I keep coming back for my dogs and my friends. What the crap? I see absolutely no way out here. I love my dogs and friends too much to not come back when I can. My parents always expect me to come back when I can. How am I supposed to tell them that their behavior towards each other makes me not want to come back?

21 November 2010

The most awesome television show ever!

Haha, so Regan and I had a wonderful night of watching movies, and thinking of the best television show ever. Here's how we came up with this. We were watching Signs, and throughout the whole movie we were calling Joaquin Phoenix, Johnny Cash. It came to the part where Mel Gibson was talking to his wife while she was pinned up against the tree and how Johnny Cash should just randomly show up and play a song after she died. Then we decided that when the veterinarian hit Mel Gibson's wife, it was because he saw Johnny Cash and swerved. From there, her last words to Mel Gibson would be "Johnny Cash killed me". We decided that sounded like a soap opera. There would be a soap opera where an old lady is on her death bed and her last words were "Johnny Cash killed me" and no one would understand. And then you would find out that it wasn't the old lady that died, it was the old lady's twin. Or that she could say "JFK killed me" and people would assume she meant John F. Kennedy, when later you find out she meant the next door neighbor, James Francis Kowalski (I don't remember what the original "K" last name was, so I just took a "K" last name from my family). Regan and I decided that this was just too good to not be a television show. So here's the run down:

You have John F. Kennedy living in a house with his Jewish butler, Bill Cosby, who always has an extra chair set out no matter what. Anytime JFK has the cook prepare ham or bacon for supper, it always mysteriously disappears (the butler did it!). John F. Kennedy also hallucinates a lady made out of dog biscuits who is multilingual (Regan) and a man made out of cheese puffs. It is out of respect for John F. Kennedy's hallucinations that no one in the show eats dog biscuits or cheese puffs. On special occasions however, they eat crunchy Cheetos. Meanwhile, you have Abraham Elizabeth Hitler living next door with his Scientologist maid, Bill Cosby. Bill Cosby has split personality in this show. It is here that they listen to aliens speaking in their foreign clicking language over a baby monitor. Later in the show, you find out that the aliens actually speak Spanish, and what the earthlings are hearing is the aliens enjoying Dum Dum lollipops, jaw breakers, and their dentures coming loose. While all of this is going on, the characters periodically pop in on the screenwriter who is a lego-person (that's me) to bribe her for more air time and to bring her snacks.

Regan, let me know if I left anything out. I'm telling you, we must be geniuses to come up with something like this.

14 November 2010

For the record, I know I should be sleeping...

Or at least studying for my American Epidemic test tomorrow...but nevertheless, here I am blogging instead. So I had a nice rant fest with Rachel D about a lot of stuff, but mostly about our dating situations. I have come to a conclusion: From my experience, when given the choice between two girls, a guy will choose the dumber of the two. Why this is, I can only guess, but there it is. If this is the case (which I suspect it is) then I have absolutely no chance of ever getting a date because there is no way that I'm going to dumb myself down on purpose. I suppose I shouldn't complain because I do have control over the situation. I suppose I very easily could spend more time on my looks than getting enough sleep or studying. Then my studies would suffer, I wouldn't learn anything, and therefore would not be getting smarter. But am I going to do any of that? No. It's a good thing that you don't die from a lack of a dating life, otherwise I would probably be extinct soon. Darwin would get a kick out of that, I'm sure. There's my rant. That's life I suppose.

02 November 2010

A lot of thinking has been done today

Okay, so I've been doing way too much thinking today, and I've been thinking about all the things that I want to say to people but don't feel that I can because it would make things awkward in some way. So here they are, I'm not naming names by the way:

I love our friendship, at least what it used to be. It feels like I can't even talk to/relate to you. It's really sad for me, but I try not to think about it and just keep trying to make it like it was before. I have a terrible, sinking feeling that it's not going to end up working even though I really want it to.

You are a coward and a liar. You are basically the epitome of everything that I see wrong with the world. I've decided that after living with you for a semester, I will be able to handle almost anything.

You are the most wonderful person that I've ever met so far. You have changed my life, and I wish you were in it more.

Stop being so arrogant. It's not attractive like you think it is.

You are a beautiful and wonderful person. Please keep being who you are.

Honestly, why can't more guys be like you? Please keep doing what you are doing.

I wish you could remember who you are. I miss who you used to be. Please come back.

Please stop sending me mixed signals. And I don't think your girlfriend would like you flirting with me half the time.

I miss cuddling with you (this one's to my dog).

16 July 2010

Very early morning rambling

So I just finished registration, after 2 grueling hours of begging my computer to load faster and crying and screaming the whole way, I've learned something about myself. My weakness is, well now I'm second guessing my wording because it's 3 am and I'm a tad sleepy, becoming helpless I suppose. In any situation that I am able to do something, even if it seems meaningless, I can cope. In tonight's situation, where I could do nothing except for pray, cry, and beg, I became someone completely different. I found myself complaining so much, I absolutely loathe people who complain all the time. Although I will give myself the fact that I was complaining and would've worked toward a solution to what i was complaining about if there was one. Still, I complained a lot. I became very mean when my family asked me to stop acting like a banshee (my words, not theirs.) Which is a reasonable request at 2 am when they need to get up early for work. Still, I became very mean, my voice was even different, almost like I was possessed. And when my mom came in to try to be there for me and to calm me down, instead of thanking her or trying to calm down, I tried to drive her away. I suppose sometimes misery doesn't love company??? Anyway, I think I'm back to normal now, considering that I'm self analyzing myself.

The point: I did not like who I became in that situation. It started out as simple frustration and eventually turned me into a completely different person! This has been a learning experience for me. I've learned that I need to watch my actions and my thoughts going into certain situations before I start getting frustrated, so that I can prevent a temporary personality transplant. I probably should have realized this before I started registering for classes (the most not fun thing in the world) but alas, I needed to see myself possessed by my own extreme focus to realize that simple frustration when left to fester can really change a person.

I'm sorry if this was rambly and didn't really make sense, and if there are spelling or grammatical errors, I'm very sleepy at the moment, and I'm ready to crawl into bed. Being a banshee, even just for two hours is very tiring.

07 May 2010

I've learned something about myself: I'm not easily impressed

Okay, so I was going to go to bed because it is insanely early in the morning, but I couldn't let this post wait. So it started out with someone talking to me tonight, trying to flirt with/impress me with his wit and telling me that I'm beautiful and such. Enough to make a girl swoon, right? Wrong. Sure, it's fun to randomly flirt, but honestly, empty words and an ingenuine personality is not going to get you anywhere with me. I feel exactly like Shania Twain in her song "That don't impress me much":

I've known a few guys who thought they were pretty smart
But you've got being right down to an art
You think you're a genius-you drive me up the wall
You're a regular original, a know-it-all
Oh-oo-oh, you think you're special
Oh-oo-oh, you think you're something else

Okay, so you're a rocket scientist
That don't impress me much
So you got the brain but have you got the touch
Don't get me wrong, yeah I think you're alright
But that won't keep me warm in the middle of the night
That don't impress me much

I never knew a guy who carried a mirror in his pocket
And a comb up his sleeve-just in case
And all that extra hold gel in your hair oughtta lock it
'Cause Heaven forbid it should fall outta place

Oh-oo-oh, you think you're special
Oh-oo-oh, you think you're something else

Okay, so you're Brad Pitt
That don't impress me much
So you got the looks but have you got the touch
Don't get me wrong, yeah I think you're alright
But that won't keep me warm in the middle of the night
That don't impress me much

You're one of those guys who likes to shine his machine
You make me take off my shoes before you let me get in
I can't believe you kiss your car good night
C'mon baby tell me-you must be jokin', right!

Oh-oo-oh, you think you're special
Oh-oo-oh, you think you're something else

Okay, so you've got a car
That don't impress me much
So you got the moves but have you got the touch
Don't get me wrong, yeah I think you're alright
But that won't keep me warm in the middle of the night

That don't impress me much
You think you're cool but have you got the touch
Don't get me wrong, yeah I think you're alright
But that won't keep me warm on the long, cold, lonely night
That don't impress me much

Okay, so what do you think you're Elvis or something...
That don't impress me much!

Alright! Alright!

You're Tarzan!
Captain Kirk maybe.
John Wayne.
That don't impress me much!

Bottom line: Intelligence, looks, and moves alone won't get a guy anywhere with me. It's the intentions, and the goals, and the honesty of a person, and the compassion and love that person shows to others. Smooth lines are nothing compared to that. Think you're not up to the challenge? Well then, it's your loss. There have been very few guys that have impressed me like I have just said, and let's face it, those guys are the ones that will stick with me forever.

08 April 2010

In case anyone needed proof, I am indeed human

Tonight I had a realization. I believe that I care more about those around me than they do me. I honestly think that a lot of people around me simply tolerate me while I am in interested in their lives and care about them. This isn't to anyone specific...or at least anyone that is following my blog...or I hope that this wouldn't be true of those following my blog. I just feel like this semester, people have pretended to be my friend to make me feel better or because they felt obligated to because they were friends with my roommates. Do you have any idea how terrible that feeling is? It's pretty sad when you are in a place where there are no real friends that you can go see, when you can't talk to anyone about anything that you are feeling because they don't care! It sucks when everyone that comes to your door is there to see your roommates and not you. I'll be glad to be going home to a place where I think that I have people that care about me...

Another thing...I realize that I am unable to show any emotion besides happiness and frustration around anyone. I am unable to let people know that things hurt me. I am unable to let others know that the things that they do or say, or don't do or say hurt me. For example, the fact that I feel that no one cares, its something that's been eating at me for awhile and I started feeling upset so I immediately ran into my room so no one could possibly see me hurt. Why is it so bad for people to know that I'm human? That I hurt just as much when I'm completely alone. I've never allowed myself to let people see me hurt. Everyone else around me can fall apart, and because of that, I'm not allowed to. The very few times I've confessed to anyone that I was hurt, the person that I was talking to only presented me with their problems.

I miss my dogs. Right now they would be laying next to me licking the tears off my face...

03 April 2010


AHHHH!!!!!!!!! So I'm feeling slightly hypocritical right about now. I got on and on about how I think people have too much stuff and too many clothes and why can't things be simple? Well, I'm packing up for the semester and I have tons and tons of stuff! A ton of clothes especially (I really don't know where they come from :D) Really, it's like my clothes are a bunch of bunnies just making a bunch of new shirts! I have boxes galore of random crap that I'm storing and gosh, I'm so accidentally, and formally ignorantly materialistic! Wow, 3 adverbs in a row, who knew that was possible...

Cure for this materialism? Much jamming and shipping stuff home before I leave so I feel better about myself? Yes...and eating all the random food in my cabinet!!!! Yay kellog cereal bars and boil in a bag brown rice! I seriously found the most random crap while cleaning up, for example I have about a million and one paperclips. I have no use for paperclips as of yet. I also finally found that mattress cover that I'm supposed to be using on my bed but decided to hide from my head resident instead because I wanted to use my own because of my allergies. I hid it a little too well considering I just found it in the box that my tupperware came in...

Tupperware is a funny word...and can be used for so many things. Most importantly pie. Pie just wins. Pie makes Tupperware worth using. Haha...I have possibly inhaled too many sharpie fumes from labeling my plethora of boxes...lol.

25 March 2010

Rants to those who edited my paper:

1. Don't mark me down major points and don't tell me why. If you are going to mark me down that much then there better be a very good reason!

2. Be specific! Stop referring to everything as "it"! I don't know what is going through your mind and therefore I have no idea what "it" is!!!!

3. Grow a brain and learn what the word "metaphorical" means.

4. Contradictions! First you say that I have plenty of support and then you turn around and say that I don't, which is it???

5. I don't care if you don't like my voice. It's my voice, you don't get to change that!

6. The organization was great but you gave me a 14/20??? See comment 1.

7. I apologize for using specific terms so that the reader isn't lost instead of using the word "it" all the time! see comment 2.

8. One word does not equal phrase, therefore you cannot tell me to rephrase one word.

9. If it is not cited, then it is an opinion of mine and therefore does not need a citation!

10. I'm sorry if you don't have the attention span for a moderately sized paragraph. That doesn't mean I go and break it up when it's only covering one topic. Grow a brain.

11. It's too long and choppy at the same time????

12. If there's nothing wrong with it, then I don't care how you would write it. It's my paper, not yours.

13. Do you seriously not recognize figurative language? How have you made it college? Granted it's freshman English, but do they seriously not teach figurative language before now? see comment 3.

As a side note, I don't trust someone to grade my English paper who can't properly express themself without saying the word "like" after every word. I went up to this girl to ask her what the deal was and I honestly couldn't understand what she tried to tell me because I was drowning in "likes".

This is an expression of my frustration with people who do not know how to give CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. I am also frustrated because many of the useless criticisms that cannot be explained came from the girl who asked me in the class before "how did your paper go?" and I told her that I was really excited for it because I think I did well. I'm sorry you didn't feel the same way about your paper! Don't take it out on mine!

03 March 2010

Chicken Quesadilla

So I need to do some sort of writing that does not relate to any of my classes right now. I'm in the middle of writing my paper comparing two sects of Islam and I'd rather do anything but that at this point. So I'm sitting in the Crossroads eating a chicken quesadilla, which is very delicious by they way. I have severely underestimated this quesadilla. I saw it after it was made and thought "I'm so hungry, there's no way that will fill me up." Lo and behold, I have gotten through two and a half pieces out of four and I am full. This chicken quesadilla has taught me not to underestimate the skinny. The skinny quesadilla has filled my stomach to the brim and has provided me with much happiness and satisfaction. Do not underestimate the skinny, they will surprise you (especially if the skinny are in food form :D) There's my little shpeel about underestimation. So, life lesson #2. Don't procrastinate. No matter how many times I procrastinate important things for way less important things, I still do it. And I regret it every time! This is the boat I'm in with comparing two sects of Islam for my Global Hotspots class. I waited until today to start writing it and it's due tomorrow! I go to the library ready to crank out this paper when the fire alarm goes off. Now I'm in the Crossroads which isn't very noisy, but it's just noisy enough to distract me. Oy, my battery is getting about half way down, and I don't have a place to plug it in. I also still have to write about how the different sects of Islam have affected Iran and Pakistan. yay! so long for now.

02 March 2010

In a Pat Benatar Mood

Pat Benatar really has attitude. That's mainly why I like her music, and she's a pretty decent singer. The song I was just listening to by her is Promises in the Dark:

Never again, isn't that what you said?
You've been through this before
An' you swore this time you'd think with your head
No one, would ever have you again
And if takin' was gonna get done
You'd decide where and when
Just when you think you got it down
Your heart securely tied and bound
They whisper, Promises In The Dark

Armed and ready, you fought love battles in the night
But too many opponents made you weary of the fight
Blinded by passion, you foolishly let someone in
All the warnings went off in your head
Still you had to give in

Just when you think you got it down
Resistance nowhere to be found
They whisper, Promises In The Dark

But promises, you know what they're for
It sounds so convincing, but you heard it before
Cause talk is cheap and you gotta be sure
And so you put up your guard
And you try to be hard
But your heart says try again

You desperately search for a way to conquer the fear
No line of attack has been planned to fight back the tears
Where brave and restless dreams are both won and lost
On the edge is where it seems it's well worth the cost
Just when you think you got it down
Your heart in pieces on the ground
They whisper, Promises In The -- Dark

This is a new one for me, but I really like it. I'm trying to expand my musical horizons, so if there are any suggestions out there for me (because i'm sure there's a lot of people reading this? ya right) then I'm open to them, as long as they don't include Miley Cyrus or the Jonas Brothers or any of the like. Those would most likely make me puke.

So I missed yesterday's blogging which is not conducive to my recent goals! I'm trying though! I'm honestly sitting here staring at the computer wondering what I should type...shouldn't the thoughts and ideas just come flowing out? I've got tons going on in my head and yet all those thoughts are very content to stay in my head rather than to be set free via my blog. Hmm...I suppose that means that I'm done for today.

28 February 2010


This blog is basically the result of the goals that I've made recently, which are as follows:

1.Pray at least twice a day
2.Read scriptures at least once a day
3.Pray for 2 new people for 2 weeks straight
4.Put said people on the temple's prayer roll
5.Attend the temple once a week
6.Think positive thoughts and chase away the negative ones
7.Write on my blog at least once a day

Most of these things I should be doing already, but I'm not perfect. I won't be on earth, but I can try to get as close as I can. I'm hoping by starting this blog and everything that I will be able to preserve my thoughts for future generations and help my mental health in general. Let's see how this goes!