26 February 2011


Ok, so I just want to declare this once and for all. I don't have a driver's license. And you know what? I DON'T want anyone's opinion on this fact! I don't tell people this for a reason, because it always changes how they view me and of course they then give their opinion on what kind of person I am because I don't have a driver's license. They blame it on me. They ask why I don't want a license or they ask how bad of a driver I am. I'm so ready to burst on this issue! I confided this to someone that I've recently begun to trust and when I expressed my frustration at the issue, she told me that having a license isn't all that great and that it's a HUGE responsibility, which I obviously can't handle! GET THE FULL STORY! I'm livid right now.

The sad thing is, that I'm a good driver. Yes, of course I would say that because I'm talking about myself. Everyone thinks they are a good driver. I know that I am and simply can't prove it!! It's the most frustrating thing in the world!!! I've spent hours and hours just driving everywhere I could and becoming confident in my abilities after being unfairly shot down by the DMV. Every time I go to take the test I do very well, and they start telling me I did stuff wrong that I know that I didn't!!! One exception, there's a lot of large corners where they do the tests, and the stop sign isn't on the corner and there's a lot of shrubbery, so I had the dilemma of where to stop and everything. It was my first test, and I acknowledge that I did that wrong. Unfortunately, it happened enough to fail me on the test. My second test, this lady claimed that I continuously stopped in intersections and stopped at green lights and ran red ones and didn't listen to her. It's not true at all. I have no idea why anyone would make any of that up (which is why you probably don't believe me) but she did. This last time, I knew I did really well. I was really confident in my abilities and I didn't do a thing wrong. Then he fails me. He said that I had great control of the car but didn't pay attention to my surroundings while I was driving!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME????? THAT is my specialty!!!! I make a conscious effort to know EVERYTHING that goes on around me. And he decided to tell the entire room full of people waiting for their kids to get back from taking the test. THANKS A LOT OLD MAN, GO DIE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!

Besides my dad, I am the best driver in my family that I know. My grandmother has always thought it was okay to drive in two lanes at once!!! She still has her license. Lisa doesn't pay attention to anything around her while driving 80 mph everywhere! It's downright scary being in a car with her. My mom doesn't pay attention or put her blinker on. I follow all the rules. I am aware of everyone around me, and I'm so careful!! I want to have my driver's license so that I can feel like I can do more on my own and stop feeling like such a little kid that needs someone to driver her everywhere!!!

I hate this so much. It's so frustrating to walk everywhere and watch people make idiotic decisions while driving when I know that I wouldn't do that if I had a license. It's also frustrating to talk about driving in general, because I never want people to know because they judge me and think that I can't drive or that I'm stupid.

So everyone just get off my back! It already sucks enough to not have my license, I DON'T NEED YOUR CRITICISM TOO! I DON'T NEED TO HEAR THAT I NEED TO TRY HARDER OR THAT I'M STUPID!!! I hate all of you that criticize me for not having my license, I hate not having it enough. I hate that I have to be careful about what I get at the grocery store because I can't drive myself, and people get ticked off when I ask them for rides to the grocery store. I hate that I have to ask people for rides to go certain places when I'm home, that I can't just go where I want to go.

So just leave me alone and stop judging me. I try really hard to think the best of people, and I don't like being reduced to an idiot when people hear that I don't have a driver's license.


  1. people are dumb. yup. and yeah, I failed my test three times. they made me take drivers ed and when I got in the car with the teacher she asked me why I was taking the class (cause obviously she knew I could drive). I have anxiety problems, and that was my problem. I would get so nervous and freak out that I sucked. And those dmv tester people are scary!

  2. Ugh, the first lady was really scary! I saw she was wearing an I Love Lucy watch, so I thought she would be awesome. But she was a real...witch...yeesh!

  3. You know, I've always offered if I need to pick up or drop off my friends while we're in MO (I'm specifically thinking of when you, my sister and I got sushi and dropped you off at home) and I just take it for granted that it's a common courtesy. But just now it occurred to me - you don't have a license. I didn't even think about it before.
    I wouldn't worry a terrible lot about it though. In today's world, having a license isn't exactly necessary. I've been at byui for two years now and its never been a hugely inconvenient thing not having a cars. If anything, we bum rides.
    But I have some friends who are a couple years older than me who I know still don't have their licenses. It just is. I've never judged them about it, and I honestly don't see why someone would.
    If you ever want to go and get your license however, I'd be more than happy to take you there. :) It's all up to you

  4. I realize it's not inconvenient here, but there have been many times, more my first and second semesters where I would ask my neighbor for a ride to the grocery store when I knew she was going and they'd get all ticked off. It's a lot of my family that gives me crap. Not my parents, but the rest of my family. Did I talk about my aunt in here? She thinks I don't want a license and that I want to be driven around everywhere. She badgers me about it every time I see her. And thanks for the offer. I'm going to try to get my license again over the 7 week break. It better go well this time!
