27 February 2011

41 days

41 days is the amount of time that it will take for my REAL friends to get here. I'm so tired of random people roommates! I'm really thankful that I don't have anyone like deb from last semester or other horror stories that I've heard. But I hate the random people roommates, because if they don't like something that's going on all they do is gossip and complain about it. They don't confront the person, they don't talk about it. If it's that big of an issue, then do something about it or keep your mouth shut. Don't pretend to be talking to someone else about it when clearly you are talking loud enough so that the person you are talking about can hear you. I'm guilty of doing that last semester, except that it took me awhile to realize just how thin the walls are. Lately, I've just been keeping stuff to myself, because I don't see any real problems. I clean up my stuff and I stay out of everyone's way. And what did I just overhear? My roommate complaining about how no one washes HER dirty rag. I don't know of anyone that uses it because it is dirty. If she wants it clean how about she cleans it herself! I even tell people not to use it because it is dirty. It's HERS. I wouldn't leave something of mine in there and expect other people to clean it if no one else uses it. I think she was complaining about all the dishes sitting on the counter. GUESS WHAT? They're not mine, they're not my other roommate's, but they belong to the girl she was complaining to and her! Did that make sense sentence wise? I know it doesn't make sense for them to complain loudly about how pissed off they are about their own mess and then not do anything about it. I can't wait until my real friends and my future roommates are here. Having issues with each other won't go away, but it won't be to a degree such as this. I loathe having random roommates. Sometimes it turns out well, like this semester is way better than last semester. But the whole loud music and loud webcam talking in the middle of the night to where it's difficult to sleep is not cool. It just makes me mad that I try to be considerate, but some people don't care about inconveniencing other people. I complain a lot on here. I realize that. It's mostly because I feel stupid complaining about some stuff out loud and because I loathe complaining in general. Actually, complaining without trying to do something about it is what really gets me. It's hard to confront this kind of cattiness without making a scene, so I'm not sure what I can really do except to try to stay out of everyone's way. I just wish there was somewhere I could go so that I didn't have to be around all of this.

P.S. I think what makes things more frustrating for me is that there are some people that I simply don't understand. For example, I don't understand why people would complain so loudly about something and then refuse to do anything about it. I don't understand the delusions some people get, for example, on something completely unrelated to this, the delusion that they have actual influence and control over other grown adult's lives. I don't understand how someone could actually think they can order a grown adult around and that they would listen to them, and then get frustrated when the grown adult does not want to listen (FYI, you probably think I'm talking about me and my parents or something, but I actually am not). I wish I understood people better so that I could find them less frustrating.


  1. Those girls are probably used to having their mommies clean up after them, and then when things aren't magically clean all the sudden - well someone's not doing their job! (but of course, it's not themselves). People have a hard time accepting blame. Saying "I was wrong" is difficult because it means completely changing how you think. Even something small (the tv has a 23" screen. No? 24"? I could have sworn... get the measuring tape! No - go get it!) challenges our knowledge, and thus who we are. If we're right, we have merit and more status. If we're wrong often enough, we get confused - suddenly everything we know gets called into question, and our self-esteem takes a large blow.

    In any case, we have some "shared" things around the apt (like towels, washrags, cleaning supplies, etc..) that if needing cleaned or replaced, we just say it and we'll all pitch in to remedy the situation. So you don't have to worry about us so much. That and we're not afraid to say if we have a problem to each other's face - haha!

  2. I know! I'm so glad that I don't have to worry about that! 37 days!!
