14 March 2011


I just read this really cool blog post about perfection and how everyone is obsessed with being perfect, when in reality, none of us are perfect. People are making themselves sick with worry and doing drastic things and stressing themselves out because they can't achieve perfection. We know that it's not achievable now, but we still make ourselves sick over achieving it. It's crazy that we expect others around us to be perfect and we expect ourselves to be perfect ALL THE TIME. The guy who wrote the post challenged everyone who read it to post their imperfections and to live with them and to decide to choose happiness in spite of them. I want to do that. I was so jazzed up and now I'm realizing this is a lot harder than I thought...I am a very negative person in general. I have very negative and cynical thoughts. I actively try to work on these, especially the negative thoughts towards other people. I criticize people so much inside my head. I know that the things I say are mean, which is why I don't say them out loud. I am having trouble forgiving myself fully for things I've done in the past. I am self centered. I realize that ultimately, we always have our own self interests in the forefront of our minds, but I don't like the amount of self centeredness I have sometimes. I won't even get into my looks that much because it can be such a touchy subject. I don't like them a lot of the time, and about 98% of the time I don't feel beautiful. I can try really hard, but it never seems to be enough. I fear becoming arrogant. I've been told my whole life how smart I am, and I think that having that drilled in my head is a good thing because it helps me to challenge myself, but at the same time I think it can make me arrogant.

I'm starting to not like this guy's idea about sharing our imperfections after all. It's kind of making me more down on myself than anything. I still think he had a good point that we obsess over perfection too much.


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